Hi Chris
Thanks for your email.I have spoken to our traders and they have decided to up your scale factor to 5%, this is the highest they are willing to increase this to.
Kind Regards,
Dear Skybet,
Thank you for your email.I was previously restricted to 1% of stakes of other customers when placing bets online. Can you confirm if this restriction has now been fully removed i.e if I can place the same size stakes as other customers online? Thanks.
Chris Trinder
Hi Chris
Thanks for your email.Yes you should be able to get the same stakes online as you previously have been able to get via the phone.
Kind Regards,
Dear Skybet
Thank you for your reply. Can you confirm if I will be able to get the same stake sizes online as I have been previously able to get by phones. In the past I have been restricted online to 1% of the stakes other customers are able to place.
Chris Trinder
Hi Chris
Thanks for your reply.You are among a group of customer who are less profitable to the company, therefore our trading team have taken the decision to only accept online business from you.I apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Dear Skybet,
Can you explain why this decision to not allow me to bet my telephone has been taken? If this for all customers or just myself?
Chris Trinder
Dear Mr Trinder,
We have made some changes to our service. With regret we have taken the business decision to stop your access to our telebet service. As such, from today your account has been set up to accept online bets only, which means that if you call our call centre you will be directed to either www.skybet.com, www.skybet.mobi or our interactive TV service to place your bets. You will only be able to place whatever the system indicates is the maximum stake for your chosen selection.
You can log on to the services with your existing user ID and a PIN. If you don?t already have a PIN or need a reminder, please contact a member of our Customer Care team on 08000 725181.