Monday, May 07, 2007

Draws prevalent in 1st leg of playoffs....take advantage

The amount of draws (39%) in the fisrt leg of the 'playoffs' for promotion in England are much higher than in conventional league matches. This is to be expected as:

- The sides are closely matched
- Neither side wishes to risk losing the first match
- The slightly better side is away in the first match

The 39% rate equates to odds of 6-4. Most bookies are going 9-4. By combining these draws bets in combination bets, the odds advantage is compounded (ironically, exactly what most bookmakers do each week!)

I'm therfore having 0.25 pts on each of the 5 timers (6 bets) and 1 accumalator. Not a large outlay, and a chance of of serious return.


Anonymous said...

Hi Chris

I don't really understand the logic of using the multiples when you don't have to. If you have an advantage on each bet, why lessen your chances of a return?

I could see the logic in a lucky 15 with double or treble odds one winner (as this offers an extra overlay), or a similar pattern, but this just seems like a multiple for the sake of it?

Nice blog btw, I enjoy reading the blurb especially on the more "exotic" bets. Good call in the 2000 as well it thought it was a very difficult race to predict.

christrinder said...

The thinking is that by combining the bets, you multipy your odds advantage.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous does have a very good point. If you think that the draws are value bets then there is no logic in only doing the 5 and 6 timer(s). Sure you should have done them - but you should certainly have backed the singles, doubles etc first. I would have thought that by doing the 5 and 6 timers you probably didn't get the very top price on each draw - hence you have actually lessened your expected return - rather than as you state multipling the advantage. You have fallen into the type of punter that betting shops love - the multiples - looking for the big one. BE interesting to see if you rethink and also back the draws on there own.

christrinder said...

You are absolutley right.

I guess the situiation is silmilar to being offered 6-4 on the toss of the coin (but being restricted to 6 tosses). How would I bet? (if I could only have 11-8 when placed in accumaltors).

For maximum profitablity, I suspect you should only bet the singles. However, you lose very little margin by combining the bets.

With a restricted number of bets, the singles also make more sense.

Anonymous said...

I've done Singles and doubles. Cruel results so far! But never mind losing when doin the numbers!!!!

Rob Barnes said...

Well it did seem like a good punt at the time!