When sportsmen have problems in their personal life, it often reduces their sporting performace. Tiger Wood's might now move resolved his perosnal issues (and enhance his performance)... however I think it is more likely he will have further "issues" next year, made worse by the media attention.
I've therefore had the follwoing bets at Skybet:
To Break Sneads PGA Tour Wins Record (2013 or later) - 9/1 - 1pt (tried to have 10pts)
Woods currenntly has 71 PGA titles - he will need to reach 83 to beat Sam Snead's record (i.e. another 12 titles). He is currently accumulating titles as follows:
2009 - 6
2008 - 4
2007 - 7
2006 - 8
2005 - 6
ie. approx 6 a year. It is easy to see that this average could drop to 4 a year over the next 3 years - 9/1 for this to happen is a more than reasonable. (I appreciate he was injured for the 2nd half of 2008 - this still doesn't substatially change the average PGA titles per year).
Tiger's Next Major Win (2012 or Later) - 10/1 - 1pt (tried to have 10pts)
Tigers Next Major Win (No More Major Wins) - 50/1 (this pays out if he retires before winning anothe rmajor) - 0.5 pts (tried to have 2pts)
Tiger Woods did not win a Major in 2009 (when his was fully fit) and only won a single Major each year from 2007-2009. I can easily seee him failing to win a major in the next 2 years.
With the continual restriction in my stakes (now from all major bopokmakers - I've just received another "account closed" letter), I'm probably going to either start a "Veitch" like approach or perhaps focus on different areas of investment.
I guess I should take it has a complement that I can't get my bets on!
It's hardly surprising you can't get on, when you run a well-known blog, and have people following you in.
I'm surprised that you're surprised, but hope you continue with the blog anyway :)
Hi Chris
I am surprised that anon1 is surprised that you are surprised!!
But listen man! you CAN get the bets on. Think outside the box!
You are getting a bit negative for someone with your capacity for original thiught. Don't let it get you down, you can get around this thorn, all successful bettors do ;)
Bung It On (Betfair forum)
Hi Chris
I agree with your approach to get negative with Tiger. However some of the bets you've chosen could take years to mature. In particular no more Majors. He could do an A Palmer and play for another 50 yrs. And even if he "retires" there are so many come backs in sport (eg Kim C, Justin H) that the bookies may "wait" before paying out. I prefer the straight 7/4 no Majors in 2010 av with a couple of firms. Keep up the good work. Regards Philip Glass
Now he has taken a long leave. The bet looks stronger.
excellent work given the most recent news from tigers camp. sad for golf but certainly a big helping hand towards landing these bets... well done..
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