Each week the Democratic nomination process continues (and hence the closer the race is), the likelihood of a 'dream ticket' increases. As Obama is the most likley candidate for the nomination (and presidency), this makes a Clinton Vice Presidency a real possibility. If the race went as far as the DNC, I believe he would certainly be under pressure to offer it to her. They complement each other in so many ways e.g 'change' versus 'experience' (which is why the race for the Democratic candidature is so close).
The question is would she take it? I am far from certain she would (she may wish to stay in the Senate). However, she may see it as an ideal may to propel her to the Democratic Candidature in 2016.
There have been may close races for the party nomination (Kennedy v Johnson 1960, Reagan v Bush 1980) where 'dream tickets' have happened - at 25/1 I'm prepared to take a chance. Paddypower go a very short 2/1 on this happening.
Already into 16/1 a few hours later!
Chris - this is madness. I've only just discovered your blog and really like it, but Obama and Clinton actively dislike each other. Would you offer Veep's job to someone who posted a pic of you dressed as a Muslim elder? A much better bet is Al Gore for Dem Candidate if these 2 fight each other to a standstill and a compromise is needed. Mark Richards
Paddy Power political markets are usually pretty ropey. What they are quoting is irrelevant.
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