Following recent Obama victories, Clinton has now weakened to 9-2. I have therefore placed 10pts on her for the US Presidency to ensure I'm neutral in th event of a Clinton comeback. This is possible if she secures strong victories in Ohio and Texas in early March 08 - it will then all be down to the Super Delegates.
Together with my previous bets on on Obama (16-1) and MccAin (20-1), I'm sitting in a fairly healthy position!
I have McCain to win at 20-1, but nothing on Obama. I feel if it's a showdown between Obama and McCain, Mac is in trouble. But against Clinton I rate him even money. How do you see the market given my position?
I think McCain has a very real chance, especially against Clinto (who I would make hime favouite against). Personally, if the only betting slip I had was on McCain at 20-1, I'd wait and see who the Democratic candiate is. I can't see McCain price changing that much over the next few months.
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