The Democrats are odds on favourites to win the next US Presidential Election. I'm convinced that Obama will be the next Democratic candidate - Clinton is simnply too far beind on normal delegates for the superdelgates (who are currently breaking evenly) to make a difference. The big question is who will Obama pick as Vice Presdienial candidate? The consensus is that the hatred that has grown between Clinton and Obama during the contest makes a Obama/Clinton 'dream ticket' impossible. I strongly disagree. This with long memories (or students of history) will remember Kennedy/Johnson.
Clinton's attacks on Obama has ensured that the nomination race will, at a minimum, go to the end of the Primaries. The doubts that have been raised (by Clinton/McCain) re: Obama's experience would be assuaged by having Clinton as VP candidate. As the campagn has progressed, the voter 'bases' has become increasingly polarised (Clinton has made sure of that). What better way to ensure both groups of Democratic voters vote for you than by having both candiates on the ticket.
I'm convinced that Obama will offer the VP ticket to Clinton - always better to have you 'enemies' close to you. Will Clinton accept? If she is offered the VP ticket, I think there will be enormous prerssure from the Democratic Party on her to take it. If she declines the nomination, I don't think she will be forgiven by the Democratic hierachy (irrespective of the result in 2008). If she accepts the VP nomination, she will either become VP in 2008 (if Obama wins) or have a chance of running in 2012 (if he loses).
I'm having 4pts win on Clinton for VP in 2008 at William Hill - single figure prices at other bookies.
This is in addition to the 4pts I placed previosuly at 25/1
Think maybe Hills pulled this one too? Market isn't viewable on their website anymore.
Should reappear this morning - the market is generally taken down overnight.
You are indeed correct :-) But she is now 10/1 ! Managed to get a better price on Betfair however.
When would you say it is worth laying this bet out on betfair? Price is currently 7s but has been traded as low as 3s. Jason was lucky to get a better price than 20s - only £42 matched at above that price. Also, I don't think prices that big were available after your post? As ever, interested to hear your expert opinion. Best.
I'd not layoff at present - I think there is still a very real chance that Obama will want/be forced into appointing Clintonas VP candidate.
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